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 Bashkevich / elem shammy!/ get one shoot :D

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Level 1
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Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-09-21

Bashkevich / elem shammy!/ get one shoot :D  Empty
PostSubject: Bashkevich / elem shammy!/ get one shoot :D    Bashkevich / elem shammy!/ get one shoot :D  EmptyWed Sep 21, 2011 6:16 am

Subject: Bashkevich / elem shammy!

RL Information:
Name: Evgeniy
Timezone:+ 1 Server time

Character information:
Name: Bashkevich
Class: Shaman
Talentbuild: 31/0/20
Why did you chose this build?: For PvE
Are you willing to respec if needed?: Yes

Previous Guilds:
What are the names of the guilds that you were in?: ---
Why did you leave these guilds?:

Misc information:
Do you poses a stable internet connection (Stable meaning, less than 1 disconnects per raid of 4 hours)?: Yes, a disconnect rarely occurs in my household.
Did you level this character yourself?: Yes
How would you rate your English, written and spoken, from 1 to 10, where 1 is lowest, and 10 highest: 4
Have you got an open application to another guild at the moment?: No

Raid information:
Are you able to meet our expectations regarding raid days+times? (7pm-11pm Tue/Thur/Sun): Yes
What is your experience in raiding in Vanilla, (please list the bosses downed if you haven't completely cleared an instance)?: Cleared ZG(10/10)/MC(10)/AQ20(5/6) / Onixya(1/1) /BWL (8/Cool/ AQ40 first boss.

Got well geared rogue with half of t2 and sword from Crommagus... but want to play on elem.shammy! its pretty good
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Bashkevich / elem shammy!/ get one shoot :D
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